Friday, May 8, 2020

Exploring a Career as a Mechancial Engineer Essay

Did you know there are thousands of jobs for a mechanical engineer, and the career will be unhurt by the struggling of the economy? There are many tasks a mechanical engineer is faced with on a daily basis. A mechanical engineer must have several qualities to make the work enjoyable for themselves and others. A mechanical engineer must be well qualified in their education to receive a job, as it is a broad industry. With having a job or career as a mechanical engineer you rarely have to worry if your job is going to exist the next day, or if your pay is going to get cut; a mechanical engineer is needed everywhere. Being a mechanical engineer there is the everyday struggle of blending work life with home life and dealing with the†¦show more content†¦The third quality they must have is being highly imaginative and creative because their job involves a variety of problems to fix (Mechanical Engineering Schools,). The fourth quality a mechanical engineer must achieve is h aving good communication skills because they usually work as a team when dealing with problems (Mechanical Engineering Schools,). A fifth quality they must obtain is to enjoy working as a team because two or three brains put together work better than one (Mechanical Engineering Schools,). Lastly, a mechanical engineer must enjoy building or improving the way things work, as this is their job on a daily basis (Mechanical Engineering Schools,). Since a mechanical engineers job is so broad, they must have a diverse education. A mechanical engineers education develops critical thinking, organization, and problem solving abilities that allows them to move into other diverse fields (â€Å"Mechanical Engineering Overview†). In high school, it is best to take courses that involve advanced math and science courses, which include physics and technology (â€Å"Mechanical Engineering Overview†). It is also just as important to take classes that build team building because m echanical engineers work in groups most of the time (â€Å"Mechanical Engineering Overview†). When choosing to study to become an engineer in college, it is

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