Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Shawshank Redemption Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Shawshank Redemption - Movie Review Example In the movie it was shown that a white person is jailed and he meets a group of other prisoners, having mixed ethnicity. He develops a kind of intimacy with the group. This is kind of unusual in real life, considering the time depicted in the movie. As at that time there was a great deal of racism and mostly people preferred having friendship with people of the same color. But the movie continuously follows the theme of a bond of friendship between a white and an African-American prisoner. This theme has been the basis and the beauty of the movie. Even though it would have been unlikely in real life scenario, but it was opted for creating a temptation among the viewers (Bossik). The primary allegory in Shawshank Redemption is the myth shown in the prison assortment it. In the film there is shown an airborne gunshot of the jail yard. The thing odd about this shot is it’s depictured of non-segregated racial diversity. Prisoners framed in the scene are depicted like a disperse plot with no association. Apart from that, the education level and social class is also been highlighted in Shawshank Redemption which somewhat contradicts with the reality. Andy is shown as a man who is well educated and belongs to an upper social class. Not only does this raise questions on the educated society but also, this kind of a scenario is not seen much amongst the people in real life. The prisoners of those times in real life were not very interactive with each other and especially with those which did not belonged to them. For example a white man would always be found with a white man. But the movie eliminated the concept of racism which at that time was considered to be a serious issue. The movie depicts many things which are not only to be taken as fantasy, but also were very opposite of what actually happened during that time. The

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The necessity of a minimum wage based on the cost of living Essay

The necessity of a minimum wage based on the cost of living - Essay Example The current minimum wage set up by the federal government in 2009 is $7.25/hour calculating up to $15, 080 for a full time worker who works 40 hours per week per year round. The federal minimum wage is categorized into non-tipped, tipped and youth. The non-tipped wage rate is higher as compared to the minimum wage rate of tipped workers. The tipped workers make tips over and above their wage therefore their minimum wage is $2.13 that is lower than the above-mentioned non-tipped rate. The youth minimum wage rate entails all the teens i.e. people below the age of 20 years and ranges between the tipped and non-tipped rate of $4.25. The economics of the world is changing posing a question on the feasibility of the minimum wage laws. The increase in inflation, unemployment rates and the economic downturn makes it difficult for the worker to maintain a standard of living that is above the poverty line. The increase in the minimum wage has been in debate over many years now with the economists questioning the viability of the law and the level of the minimum wage. Thus the minimum wage should be parallel to the cost living and as it lacks to support the living standard it should be increased to fill in the gap. Initially, the minimum wage was enacted in 1938 by the US president Franklin Roosevelt in order to protect the workers from the effects of the great depression. The law helped in keeping the workers above the poverty line, thus helping the economic through an increased purchasing power. The United States Department of Labor shows the minimum wage prevailing in all states of America. The economic and political clashes regarding the minimum wage figure has been going on since the inception of the law. The minimum wage prevailing in a state or territory can be either less or more than the federal minimum. For example, the minimum wage rate for Arizona is $7.90 whereas that of Georgia is $5.15 applicable to employers with six or