Monday, December 23, 2019

Environmental Degradation And Its Effects On Our Environment

We, as humans, have always had a prevalent impact on our environment and our world as a whole. Not only has our societal presence caused negative global impact, but our expedited population growth has also had an extreme physical impact on earth. An example of the effects of our extensiveness is, â€Å"†¦86% of the world s resources are consumed by only the wealthiest one fifth of humanity†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( this means that 4/5ths of the planet already has limited access to resources that are naturally found on earth. In addition to our excessive consumption of the earth natural resources, environmental degradation is the result of extreme pollution and wastes that have made their way into our atmosphere. Because of our severe impact on nature, it is crucial that we stop the accelerated deterioration of our environment by decreasing our misuse of earth’s natural resources, reducing the use of unnecessary technology in our environment and practicing more ec ologically responsible lifestyles. This â€Å"can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations† ( The earth’s immense population is one of the biggest factors for environmental degradation. In the reading ‘Easter’s End’ by Jared Diamond, he discussed the extinction of the Polynesian people of Easter Island. One of the biggest reasons why they went extinct was because they wiped out their only forest, ran out of life-sustaining soil and turned to cannibalism. ThisShow MoreRelatedPoverty And Poverty1302 Words   |  6 Pagesthat poverty and environmental degradation are connected. These impoverished communities are not only contributors to the pollution, like we all are, but they are victims of pollution (Shah, 2005). Due to constant demand of the wealthy, many areas that are impoverished are used as an area devoted to supplying the needs of those at any cost or a dumping ground of unwanted goods. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Thought Provoker Free Essays

Assignment 1. 2 Dialogue 1 — Thought-Provokers Survey Derrick Crank Jones International University Leading from a Global Perspective BC607 Dr. Michael Jazzar February 09 2013 Thought-Provokers Survey Part 2 Thought-Provoker # _15_ Gist: Some Christian just hypo-critics and don’t really follow what they learn and teach at their church. We will write a custom essay sample on Thought Provoker or any similar topic only for you Order Now Your reaction (from above): _ I agree Explanation of your response: I think when you gather several people in a small area: gossips tend to spread, people become jealous, and competition tends to develop. I have been in several churches around the country and all believe in the some beliefs. People tend to think with the God’s power they are right with their beliefs even though they go to church and pray for their sins. If we look at our history, most wars and deaths are due to the church and Christianity beliefs. They particularly destroyed the American Indian cultures and confine them to reservation and boarding schools in the late 1800s. Christianity burned witch at Salem, MA, because several people were thought to be witches. Christians don’t follow what they teach but use parts of what they learned to better themselves for their own needs. Thought-Provoker # __19___ Gist: That are some many religions and cultures around world and there is really no right answer. Your reaction (from above): Who really says that? Explanation of your response: I have been all over the world and I have come to the conclusion that there s no right religion. I believe all religions are equal. Each religion is set at its highest because people believe in their religion due to their demographics, family values, and how they were taught at a young age. Christianity belief is just one of the many religions around the world and continues to spread as the other religions have. Thought-Provoker # __21___ Gist: _Homeless have a reasons why they have chosen to be homeless. Your reaction (from above): What? Really? Explanation of your respo nse: I have worked from several homeless shelters and my conclusion is that they are not lazy. They are the hardest workers I know but they have a mental illness that clouds their judgments. Most of the homeless have mental illnesses due to post trauma stress, depression, bipolar, and schizophrenic tendencies. Some are veterans from past wars to child abused victims when they were growing up. Some homeless are unable to hold jobs because these mentally illnesses. They are not lazy but they are determined to survive on what they have. How to cite Thought Provoker, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Design a Fuel Efficient Stove Reduce Amount of Firewood and Charcoal

Question: Discuss about theDesign a Fuel Efficient Stovefor Reduce Amount of Firewood and Charcoal Use. Answer: Introduction The purpose of report is to investigate on the use of fuel-efficient stove design to reduce amount of firewood and charcoal, which are required by cook stove. It will also explore the alternative fuel sources for cooking. In Mayukwayukwa, Zambia, cooking is basically done on the stoves which is fuelled by firewood as well as charcoal. The total volumes of fuel, which is used for purpose of cooking causes deforestation within the area (David et al., 2016). The women within the forest, which raises safety concerns for them, collect the firewood. Burning of charcoal in the household of Zambia creates health, livelihood as well as environmental problems among people (Gallagher et al., 2016). This study is taken to identify technical solutions of the problem, which can induce a large-scale change. The report provides with a design justification of fuel-efficient stove, research on design information as well as detailed design solutions. Project Justification The project report justifies the problems and issues that people are facing due to use of charcoal and firewood for cooking purpose. In the household, poor people are burning biomass energy in order to meet with their cooking requirements (Anhalt Holanda, 2013). The open fires are not efficient to convert energy in the form heat. Collection of this fuel and woods from the forest of Zambia takes an hour a day. The other issues of open fires are emission of smoke, which cause respiratory diseases, natural re-growth of natural resources and environmental issues (Masekameni, Makonese Annegarn, 2016). Those issues are addressed with design of a fuel-efficient stove for cooking purpose to reduce use of charcoal. The current requirements of the community are to reduce smoke, improve energy efficiency as well as reduce drudgery-cooking duties. The stove is designed for rural as well as urban population of Zambia. In Zambia, cooking is considered as responsibility of the women to spend amount of time in preparation of food. There is a requirement of improved fuel-efficient stoves so that they can reduce smoke production as well as harmful gases in the households (Prinsloo, Dobson Mammoli, 2016). It reduces use of biomass by approximately 60 percent, reduction of cooking life cycle as well as safety in households. Currently, the community of Zambia designs a fuel-efficient stove for the households to reduce waste wood and reduction of health problems (Mapelli Mungwe, 2013). The problems and issues are required to address so that it enhances energy as well as food security among the population of Zambia. Preliminary Research Primary energy data sources Hanna, R., Duflo, E., Greenstone, M. (2016). Up in smoke: The influence of household behavior on the long-run impact of improved cooking stoves.American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,8(1), 80-114. For doing research on use of fuel-efficient stove in cooking in households, data are used for this study are collected from Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS), Zambia which are being conducted by Central Statistical Office. LCMS provides with a good data on the energy use of household. Even the data are making possible in order to construct a variable for total amount of charcoal as well as cooking gases spent in the cooking purpose. Then, the data from LCMS are compared with total actual household expenditures so that it helps to investigate importance of energy within the household costs. The data on the energy use are appeared in form of appliances required to own by people. The report on households are required to identify which is required to own such as gas stove, electric stove etc for purpose of cooking. The report summarizes the harmful effects of the cooking fuels in the life of people. The use of modern cooking fuels as well as stoves describes the requirement of fuel-efficient stove. This modern cooking solution reduces health risks as well as loss of time, which are suffered by women. It gives description of cost as well as characteristics of the fuels, which helps to identify use of technology for cooking. Secondary Energy or Fuel Sources Kshirsagar, M. P., Kalamkar, V. R. (2014). A comprehensive review on biomass cookstoves and a systematic approach for modern cookstove design.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,30, 580-603. In this source, over 98 percent of the households of Zambia are reported to use of charcoal as well as wood as their main sources of energy for cooking purpose. The fuel-efficient stove is designed based on some of considerations such as social, technical as well as economical. Before take the decision of designing stove, the users do in-depth analysis on cooking practices, type of fuel used as well as functional requirements of the stove. The information in the source helps to design the fuel-efficient stove as it defines the first step is to finalize the design parameters such as initial physical system. It is based on type of fuel, combustion as well as heat transfer. The next information that it gives is to model as well as analyze different components of the fuel-efficient stove to design the proposed stove properly. Modeling of the components of the stove is done in order to formulate equations so that it uses to identify behavior of the actual component of stoves. Design Concept The design of fuel-efficient stove is to reduce amount of firewood and charcoal. It will also use to improve emission of smoke, natural re-growth of natural resources as well as environmental issues. The design of the stove reduces the use of charcoal by women for purpose of cooking. The following two sections describe a detailed description of fuel-efficient stove with the issues, which are required to investigate in development of design. Description and Sketch In Zambia, new rocket stove is used to reduce emission of smoke, use of charcoal and makes it fuel-efficient to the households. The design of rocket stove is such that it consists of durable metal alloy liner, which is surrounded by insulating layer as well as metal container (Zulu Richardson, 2013). The improved in efficiency as well as higher burning temperature of this rocket stove reduces use of biomass energy for purpose of cooking. Small twigs are used with three rocks method to reduce the time of gathering of fuel. The combustion chamber is being insulated so that it keeps fire hot in order to burn the wood (Chanda, 2015). It reduces smoke emission. The rocket stove is made up of fuel letter L, the fuel is being fed in combustion chamber. The way to push the fuel into combustion chamber ensures that the fuel is being fed into the rocket stove at correct rate and there is clean combustion (Sparrevik et al., 2013). There is feed opening to pass air through the burning fuel as too much of air cools the fire. Due to moving of air through burning fuel, it assists to remain the fire above 650 degree for absolute combustion. There is a skirt, which surrounds the pot (Hanna, Duflo Greenstone, 2016). The gap between pot as well as skirt forces the fuel to scratch against the sides of pot. It increases in transfer of heat. Figure 1: Sketch of Rocket Stove (Source: Hanna, Duflo Greenstone, 2016, pp-91) Issues for Further Investigation The design of a fuel-efficient stove such as rocket stove is required to properly designed. As an inefficient stove should use of wood, therefore it causes economic issues. If the design of the stove is not proper, then it takes more time to cook (Khudadad, Ali Jan, 2013). A properly designed rocket stove will use of 75 percent of less wood. An inefficient stove should create large amount of smoke. It causes environmental issues such as the trees and plants are affected. The smoke from the wood is causing health issues such as asthma, heart diseases, cancer and others. It is estimated that most of people are killed annually due to wood smoke (Prinsloo, Dobson Mammoli, 2016). Improved design of fuel-efficient stove is almost 100 percent combustion. It is smoke free except at the starting when the woods are pushed in the fire. Therefore, an efficient design of rocket stove will overcome with the identified issues. Conclusion It is concluded from analyzing the design report of a fuel-efficient stove, it reduces amount of firewood as well as charcoal. It is explored as the alternative fuel sources for cooking. Most of the population of Zambia is using charcoal for cooking, but burning of charcoal in the household influences on health, livelihood as well as environment. The main purpose of this report is to reduce smoke, improve energy efficiency as well as reduce drudgery-cooking duties. In order to meet with the project purpose, new rocket stove is being used to reduce smoke as well as charcoal use. This stove becomes a fuel-efficient households stove. Design of the store should be perfect otherwise, it would create large amount of smoke, not only that an inefficient stove will take more time to cook. An improved as well as efficient design of the fuel-efficient stove will give 100 percent rate of combustion. References Anhalt, J., Holanda, S. (2013). Policy for subsidizing efficient stoves. Chanda, J. (2015). SEI_Transforming Household Energy Practices Among Charcoal Users in Lusaka Zambia; a User Centred Approach_Apr 2013. David, L. I., Beltramo, T., Blalock, G., Cotterman, C., Simons, A. (2016). What Impedes Efficient Adoption of Products? Evidence from Randomized Sales Offers for Fuel-Efficient Cookstoves in Uganda. Gallagher, M., Beard, M., Clifford, M. J., Watson, M. C. (2016). Energy for Sustainable Development. Hanna, R., Duflo, E., Greenstone, M. (2016). Up in smoke: The influence of household behavior on the long-run impact of improved cooking stoves.American Economic Journal: Economic Policy,8(1), 80-114. Khudadad, N., Ali, B., Jan, K. (2013). Measuring the impact of low carbon technologies and products on domestic fuel consumption.Renewable energy,49, 115-118. Kshirsagar, M. P., Kalamkar, V. R. (2014). A comprehensive review on biomass cookstoves and a systematic approach for modern cookstove design.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,30, 580-603. Mapelli, F., Mungwe, J. N. (2013). Modern Energies Services for Cooking: from Improved Cook-Stoves to Domestic and Community Biogas Based Systems. InRenewable energy for unleashing sustainable development(pp. 43-74). Springer International Publishing. Masekameni, D., Makonese, T., Annegarn, H. J. (2016, March). Performance evaluation of three charcoal stoves. InDomestic Use of Energy (DUE), 2016 International Conference on the(pp. 1-7). Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Prinsloo, G., Dobson, R., Mammoli, A. (2016). Model based design of a novel Stirling solar micro-cogeneration system with performance and fuel transition analysis for rural African village locations.Solar Energy,133, 315-330. Sparrevik, M., Field, J. L., Martinsen, V., Breedveld, G. D., Cornelissen, G. (2013). Life cycle assessment to evaluate the environmental impact of biochar implementation in conservation agriculture in Zambia.Environmental science technology,47(3), 1206-1215. Zulu, L. C., Richardson, R. B. (2013). Charcoal, livelihoods, and poverty reduction: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa.Energy for Sustainable Development,17(2), 127-137.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Throughout Journeys End, R C Sherriff re

Throughout Journeys End, R C Sherriff re-creates, for the audience, the reality of World War One Essay Throughout Journeys End, R C Sherriff re-creates, for the audience, the reality of World War One. He also shows the conditions and the tremendous stress and fear suffered by the men at the front. The play is set in Flanders, in Belgium, where much of World War One was fought. It is set in the later part of World War One. World War One was fought using trench warfare. Soldiers each took turns at working in the line until they were given leave, which sometimes wasnt for a long time. The soldiers showed tremendous courage and spirit to continue working and fighting every day even when their tasks sometimes seemed impossible. The play, Journeys End was written about ten years after the First World War, by a soldier who fought in the war, and since then it has been translated into every European language. It is the only play of its era that is still popular today. We will write a custom essay on Throughout Journeys End, R C Sherriff re-creates, for the audience, the reality of World War One specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now R.C.Sherriff chose a very wide range of contrasting characters, which help us to understand how different characters would react in certain situations. Most people have similar characteristics to at least one of the characters in the play. The characters reactions helps us to realise how bad some of the situations really are. A good example of this is when Hibbert, a grown man, is reduced to tears when Stanhope wont allow him to go home sick. Every sound up here makes me all-cold and sick Hibbert à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Act Two: Scene Two This line really shows how Hibbert cant bare the life in the front line and how the conditions were really too much for a large number of men. He is scared. Hibbert couldnt deal with the situation. He tried to get out of it by faking illness. The characters were under an enormous amount of pressure. They suffered from tremendous stress. In some cases, such as Stanhopes, this can cause sudden mood swings. Look here, Osborne, Im commanding this company. I ask for advice when I want it! Stanhope à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Act Two: Scene One This time, Osborne is the innocent victim of Stanhopes short temper, which was a result of his time in the front line. His nerves have all got battered to bits says Osborne. This has shortened his temper. He is very anxious. All of the characters have ways of dealing with the trench warfare. Stanhope knows that he is lucky to be alive after three years of fighting. He believes that it will soon be his turn to die. He is living in fear. The only way he knows to ease the fear is drink. Because of his time in the front line, he has become dependant on alcohol. Damn the soup!, Bring some whisky! Stanhope à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Act One: Scene One He uses the drink to cushion the reality and to try to forget about the war. Raleigh is new to the front line. At home, they  were sheltered from the reality of the war. Because he doesnt know how bad things can be, he fails to see the bad side of some of the situations that he is placed in. He doesnt have to cope with as much as the other officers. I think that R.C.Sherriff uses Raleigh to show how uninformed the people at home were of the conditions in the front line. Osborne tries not to show his emotions. He attempts to look as though he is unaffected by the conditions that he has to face on a daily basis. Other officers, such as Trotter, imagine that they are in a normal situation. .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe , .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe .postImageUrl , .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe , .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe:hover , .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe:visited , .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe:active { border:0!important; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe:active , .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud45609e7f2c98bdb2da50bee696cacbe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Nightmare World EssaySome of the conditions that R.C.Sherriff describes in the play are unimaginable to people in the modern world. Not only do they face the constant fear of death, but also they dont even have hygienic living conditions. The water that they drink is disinfected because it is so dirty and could otherwise cause illness. Dont have too much, its rather strong today. Hardy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Act One: Scene One The men have to dilute it with whisky. The disinfectant that is in the water makes it unpleasant to drink. The sleeping conditions arent much better. Thats mine. The ones in the dug-out havent got any bottoms to them. You keep yourself in by hanging your arms and legs over the sides. Mustnt hang them too low, or the rats gnaw your boots. Osborne à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Act One: Scene One The beds dont even have bottoms too them. The men dont even get a proper rest when they are asleep at night. This quote also tells us how the rats crawl about everywhere. I should say- roughly- about two million; but I dont see them all. Osborne à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Act One: Scene One There are more rats than humans out in the trenches. This is very unhygienic. Some of the conversations that the men have reveal a lot about the stress that they are feeling and the fear that they face every day. During Act two, Scene two, when Hibbert tries to go home sick, you can see how scared the men really are. I feel the same- exactly the same! Every noise up here makes me feel- just as you feel. We all feel like you do sometimes, if only you knew. I hate and loathe it all. Sometimes I feel I could just lie down on this bed and pretend I was paralysed or something- and couldnt move- and just lie there until I died- or was dragged away. Stanhope à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Act Two: Scene Two All the men share the same fear of death. They are all suffering out in the front line. Other conversations reveal the characters true emotions. At the end of the play, when Raleigh dies, he and Stanhope have a very deep conversation, in which Stanhope refers  to him as Jimmy which must be the name that he used to call Raleigh at home, outside of the war. This shows how much he really cares for Raleigh and how he views him as kind of a family member. Another way that R.C.Sherriff re-creates the reality of World War One and the stress that the men suffer from is that he builds up tension in the scenes. In Act Two, Scene One, Raleigh writes a letter home to his sister about his first day or so in the front line. Stanhopes anger and aggression build quite quickly. Stanhope fears that Raleigh will write home to his sister and tell her how Stanhope drinks all of the time and how he has changed as a person. He uses the law that he is supposed to read and censor all of the letters home to his advantage. Its the rule that letters must be read. Stanhope à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Act Two: Scene One When Raleigh declines, he quickly changes to: Give me that letter! and Dyou understand an order? After this, Stanhope and Raleigh stare wide eyed at each other, creating tremendous tension. This tension clearly shows Stanhopes frustration that has been building up for ages, purely through stress. You can really see what Stanhope is going through. Another point in the play when there is a lot of tension, is the night after the raid. The men are all eating and drinking the food and drink that has been provided and smoking the cigars, when Stanhope tells Hibbert to go to bed, as he is to go on duty at eleven. Hibbert replies with a sarcastic comment. After this the conversation heats up. The following argument ends with Stanhope shouting at Hibbert. .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 , .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 .postImageUrl , .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 , .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1:hover , .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1:visited , .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1:active { border:0!important; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1:active , .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1 .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2ccf80bf1366aced8bcce919797750c1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: All the world's a stage - from Shakespeare's As You Like It Act 2, Scene 7 EssayGet out of my sight! Stanhope à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Act Three: Scene Two The following pause creates great tension. The anxiety of the great attack that is due to take place the next day is really beginning to show. The men are obviously very nervous. After reading Journeys End, I now know a lot more information about what life was really like for a soldier in the front line. R.C.Sherriff has been successful in realistically informing a reader of the conditions that the men faced and the tremendous stress and fear suffered by the men. The ways he used to present the information were extremely clear. He created a character for every type of person, which helped me understand what they were suffering. I think that the ways that R.C.Sherriff presented details of the conditions was very clever. Just one sentence can tell us so much about a particular subject, for example the water supply the disinfectant in the water, the germs in it. I think that the conversations that the men have are very true to what the men would really be feeling. They show the ongoing fear of the men. The tension in the scenes really highlights the stress that the  men are suffering. Different people have viewed the play in different ways. Some say that the play has a message for peace however those who were not pacifist found that it supported their opinion too. The play shows the soldiers spirit in difficult situations. The carried out orders that sometimes they didnt agree with, but still put on a brave face.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Montana-class Battleships - US Navy - World War II

Montana-class Battleships - US Navy - World War II Montana-class(BB-67 to BB-71) - Specifications Displacement: 66,040 tons Length: 920 ft., 6 in. Beam:  121 ft. Draft:  36 ft., 1 in. Propulsion:  8 Ãâ€" Babcock Wilcox 2-drum express type boilers, 4 Ãâ€" Westinghouse geared steam turbines,   4 Ãâ€" 43,000  hp Turbo-electric transmission  turning 4 propellers Speed:  28 knots Armament (Planned) 12 Ãâ€" 16-inch (406  mm)/50 cal Mark 7 guns (4  Ãƒâ€" 3)20 Ãâ€" 5-inch (127  mm)/54 cal Mark 16 guns10–40 Ãâ€" Bofors 40 mm anti-aircraft guns56 Ãâ€" Oerlikon 20 mm anti-aircraft cannons Montana-class(BB-67 to BB-71) - Background: Recognizing the role that a naval arms race had played in the run up to World War I, leaders from several key nations gathered in November 1921 to discuss preventing a recurrence in the postwar years.   These conversations produced the Washington Naval Treaty in February 1922 which placed limits on both ship tonnage and the overall size of the signatories fleets.   As a result of this and subsequent agreements, the US Navy halted battleship construction for over a decade after the completion of the Colorado-class USS West Virginia (BB-48) in December 1923.   In the mid-1930s, with the treaty system unraveling, work began on the design of the new North Carolina-class.   With global tensions rising, Representative Carl Vinson,  Chairman of the House Naval Affairs Committee, pushed forward the Naval Act of 1938 which mandated a 20% increase in the US Navys strength.    Dubbed the Second Vinson Act, the bill allowed for the construction of four South Dakota-class battleships (South Dakota, Indiana, Massachusetts, and Alabama) as well as the first two ships of the Iowa-class (Iowa and New Jersey).   In 1940, with World War II underway in Europe, four additional battleships numbered BB-63 to BB-66 were authorized.   The second pair, BB-65 and BB-66 were initially slated to be the first ships of the new Montana-class.   This new design represented the US Navys response to Japans Yamato-class of super battleships which commenced construction in 1937.   With the passage of the Two-Ocean Navy Act in July 1940, a total of five Montana-class ships were authorized along with an additional two Iowas.   As a result, hull numbers BB-65 and BB-66 were assigned to the Iowa-class ships USS Illinois and USS Kentucky while the Montanas were renumbered BB-67 to BB-71.          Montana-class (BB-67 to BB-71) - Design: Concerned about rumors that the Yamato-class would mount 18 guns, work on the Montana-class design commenced in 1938 with specifications for a battleship of 45,000 tons.   Following early assessments by the Battleship Design Advisory Board, naval architects initially increased the new class displacement to 56,000 tons.   Additionally, the board requested that the new design be 25% stronger offensively and defensively than any existing battleship in the fleet and that it was permissible to exceed the beam restrictions imposed by the Panama Canal to obtain the desired results.   To obtain the additional firepower, designers armed the Montana-class with twelve 16 guns mounted in four three-gun turrets.   This was to be supplemented by a secondary battery of twenty 5/54 cal. guns placed in ten twin turrets.   Designed specifically for the new battleships, this type of 5 gun was intended to replace the existing 5/38 cal. weapons then in use. For protection, the Montana-class possessed a side belt of 16.1 while the armor on the barbettes was 21.3.   The employment of enhanced armor meant that the Montanas would be the only American battleships capable of being protected against the heaviest shells used by its own guns.   In this case, that was the super-heavy 2,700  lb. APC (armor piercing capped) shells fired by the 16/50 cal. Mark 7 gun.   The increase in armament and armor came at a price as naval architects were required to reduce the class top speed from 33 to 28 knots to accommodate the extra weight.   This meant that the Montana-class would not be able to serve as escorts for the fast Essex-class aircraft carriers or sail in concert with the three preceding classes of American battleships.    Montana-class (BB-67 to BB-71) - Fate: The Montana-class design continued to undergo refinements through 1941 and was finally approved in April 1942 with goal of having the ships operational in the third quarter of 1945.   Despite this, construction was delayed as the shipyards capable of building the vessels were engaged in constructing Iowa- and Essex-class ships.   After the Battle of the Coral Sea the following month, the first battle fought solely by aircraft carriers, the building of the Montana-class was indefinitely suspended as it became increasing clear that battleships would be of secondary importance in the Pacific.   In the wake of the decisive Battle of Midway, the entire Montana-class was cancelled in July 1942.   As a result, the Iowa-class battleships were the last battleships to be built by the United States. Montana-class (BB-67 to BB-71) - Intended Ships Yards: USS Montana (BB-67) - Philadelphia Naval ShipyardUSS Ohio (BB-68) - Philadelphia Naval ShipyardUSS Maine (BB-69) - New York Naval ShipyardUSS New Hampshire (BB-70) - New York Naval ShipyardUSS Louisiana (BB-71) - Norfolk Naval Shipyard The cancellation of USS Montana (BB-67) represented the second time a battleship named for the 41st state had been eliminated.   The first was a South Dakota-class (1920) battleship that was dropped due to the Washington Naval Treaty.   As a result, Montana became the only state (of the 48 then in the Union) never to have had a battleship named in its honor. Selected Sources: Military Factory: Montana-class BattleshipsGlobal Security: Montana-class Battleships

Friday, November 22, 2019

Battered Praise

Kneel on a worn leather cushion, ease into a creaky wooden pew, and stand on tired but restless legs. For what? Even with all of my praise, all God did was throw me onto the corner ropes of the ring and deliver a sharp jab with the left, then the right, right again, and finally a roundhouse kick that shouldve stopped all of the pain but never did. God didnt deliver the real blows, he let a swaggering drunk do his work for him, also known as my stepfather. From the time I was four, I carried around fresh pink, swollen welts and indigo-violet bruises blooming quickly beneath my delicate skin. While other little girls neat hair was pinned back to reveal a bright, shiny face and toothy grin, my jagged homemade haircut hung to hide the new fleshy welt on my cheek. I firmly believed God had let this happen. I never questioned the reality of God, but I questioned his righteousness. I existed to God as a punching bag. I blamed the ever-so-righteous God for all of my problems. I blamed him for the hot tears that streamed from my cerulean blue eyes, for the crippling nightmares that plagued my nights, and for the screams of my brothers that rang through the hollow halls of that broken house. God never seemed to hear my desperate prayers each night or my withered cries of pain as Warren repeatedly smacked my tiny body with a wooden spoon, or an aluminum baseball bat, or even the time he broke a glass plate over my head. The loud sound of breaking glass must have drowned my pleas. I was all alone in my suffering. It took eight long years to finally be rid of the brutal man who beat my body, crushed my hopes and dreams, and demolished my self esteem. Thats 2,920 days of endless tears, 70,080 hours of countless bruises, 4,204,800 minutes of praying for salvation, and 252,288,000 seconds of pur e hatred toward God and toward myself. Then one day it ended. Warren had thrown a swing at my mother and hit her square in the jaw. The police showed up for the hundredth time, but this time I left in my dads car with my three brothers, my mom left in an ambulance, and Warren left in handcuffs. Since that day six years ago I have lived with my wonderful father and stepmother. They strive to give me every opportunity to help me create the life I have chosen. Im growing to appreciate the person I am. My stare pierces the girl looking back at me from the mirror, and I still see a broken, terrified child cowering behind two miniscule hands. I see something else in that same reflection, I see a strong, independent woman who loves friends, family and life passionately throughout every moment of the day. A woman running toward a shining future. Now there are times where I see every flaw in myself, but who doesnt? Im human. Im allowed to have imperfections. Ive grown to trust God and to believe he is an ever-loving God. He wasnt torturing me, he was building me into the original, gorgeous, tenacious woman I am today.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organisational behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Organisational behaviour - Essay Example The major purpose of this essay is to highlight the importance of social psychology with reference to organizational behaviour. The organizational behaviour is concerned with the evaluating the impact of individuals and structure on organizational performance whereas organizational social psychology states that relaxed work environment and strengthening social relations among employees and management are going to further enhance the organizational performance in all regards(Heine, Lehman, Markus, & Kitayama, 1999). In the most practical sense an organization is basically a social entity because employees and management work through different social phenomena in order to accomplish organizational goals. According to recent studies organizational development and progress occur in real sense when a sense of family and belonging significantly prevails amongst the ranks of a particular organization. This essay will also highlight application of various facets of social psychology at Vodaf one that include advanced training of top management in counselling techniques, power to initiate innovative projects, cross cultural teamwork and reward for performance system. Finally Vodafone is used to hire tolerant and flexible individuals in order to apply melting pot technique for managing cultural and gender diversity in employees (Eisenberger, Stinglhamber, Vandenberghe, Sucharski, & Rhoades, 2002). The operational concepts of organizational social psychology are decentralized authority, participative management and flexible timing and they mainly spread from Japanese organizations to those that are operating in other regions of the world (Heine, Lehman, Markus, & Kitayama, 1999). Furthermore it is imperative to note that Australian continent is the second most efficient geographical region in terms of adopting modern management concepts. However the American companies are rather slow regarding implementing the contemporary managerial concepts of the 21st century. But the b asic purpose of this part is to evaluate the involvement of social psychological concepts and practices in a management framework for Vodafone’s unit of New Zealand. Additionally, the application of modern management is relatively easy in the featured culture due to its individualistic and professional nature. The fundamental reason for development and increased application of social psychology in organizations is the need to retain employees for longer periods of time while enhancing their organizational commitment (Eisenberger, Stinglhamber, Vandenberghe, Sucharski, & Rhoades, 2002). The social psychology stated that humans have a psychological need of receiving a reward after every six to twelve months and if companies fail to do so then they risk job turnover from core employees (Chryssochoou, 2004). Mutual respect and trust among employees and management is also a vital factor in predicting productivity of the staff. Nevertheless, according to recent research employees l ike to be governed by those individuals who have similar personality dimensions. Employees on the other hand spend more time in organizations that offer them reward for performance, paid and emergency leave and divert resources towards employee training and development (Crisp &Tumer, 2007). The nature of the job should also be sufficiently challenging in order to keep things interesting for the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Importance Of Improving Nursing Assessments Of Postnatal Newborn Essay

Importance Of Improving Nursing Assessments Of Postnatal Newborn Jaundice - Essay Example The following stand for a set of strategies suitable to the clinical circumstances and patient inhabitants of the Well Baby Nursery (deCarvalho M, 2001, 568-69). "Devices that provide a noninvasive transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) measurement have proven very useful as screening tools and newer instruments give measurements that provide a valid estimate of the TSB level. Studies using the new TcB measurement instruments are limited, but the data published thus far suggest that in most newborn populations, these instruments generally provide measurements within 2 to 3 mg/dL of the TSB and can replace a measurement of serum bilirubin in many circumstances, particularly for TSB levels less than 15 mg/dL.The limitations of the accuracy and reproducibility of TSB measurements in the clinical laboratory must also be recognized" (AAP Management of Hyperbilirubinemia in the Newborn Infant 35 or More Weeks Gestation) b. When the consequences of the bilirubin are obtained, a few newborns will require instigation of phototherapy right away. The table underneath is planned to guide the nurse in make a decision which babies require immediate initiation of phototherapy and announcement of the presence pediatrician. ... b. When the consequences of the bilirubin are obtained, a few newborns will require instigation of phototherapy right away. The table underneath is planned to guide the nurse in make a decision which babies require immediate initiation of phototherapy and announcement of the presence pediatrician. The criterion are based on development and attendance of risk issue in the first 24 hours of life (deCarvalho M, 2001, 568-69). Section B: Innovation DescriptionBilirubin Risk Determination for Well Newborns at 36 or further weeks' gestational age by birth weight 2,000 gm or more or 35 or further weeks' gestational age and birth weight of 2,500 gm or more* (James ML, 2001; 434-8) (Bhutani et al) Parent Education. No doubt, Written and verbal information will be offer to parents concerning the natural world of jaundice, the require to monitor infants for jaundice, and counsel on how monitoring ought to be done. Clinicians ought to counsel mothers to nurse their infants at least 8 to 12 times per day for the primary several days. Poor caloric intake and / or dehydration linked with insufficient breastfeeding may give to the growth of hyperbilirubinemia. Increasing the occurrence of nursing decreases the likelihood of following important hyper bilirubinemia in breast fed infants. Providing suitable support and counsel to breastfeeding mothers augment the probability that breastfeeding will be winning (Maisels MJ, 2001, 505-11). Section C: Research SupportMore often than not people are less frightened of overlooking signs evocative of jaundice due to a lack of knowledge or of being challenged in excess of their clinical assessment. The put into practice of home nursing is

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Compensation Plan - University of Phoenix - HRM Essay Example for Free

Compensation Plan University of Phoenix HRM Essay A good compensation plan must include both aspects, financial and nonfinancial of a rewarding system where financial rewards, or a pay system, assign a monetary value to each job in the organization (a base rate) and an orderly procedure for increasing the base rate (e.g., based on merit, inflation, or some combination of the two) (Cascio, 2005, p. 425). Also, a properly designed Pay for Performance (PFP) Program enables companies to reduce their cost of labor while increasing the average take home pay of their workforce (Jensen, 2009). On the other hand we also will offer nonfinancial systems that will cover indirect aspects such as benefits, professional and personal development. We want to give our sales staff a reason to get out there and sell, sell, sell (Ward). Rewards bridge the gap between organizational objectives and individual expectations and aspirations. To be effective, organizational reward systems should provide four things: (1) a sufficient level of rewards to fulfill basic needs, (2) equity with the external labor market, (3) equity within the organization, and (4) treatment of each member of the organization in terms of his or her individual needs (Cascio, 2005, p. 419). New compensation planPay systems are designed to attract, retain, and motivate employees (Cascio, 2005, p. 419)The new compensation plan will be based in a performance system. If business takes off, more pay goes to workers. If it doesnt, the company is not locked into high fixed costs of labor. 417 This system was chosen since meets the company strategy of growth and objectives and such variable-pay systems almost guarantee cost control. 417 (Cascio, 2005, p. 417) and a well planed recognition system adds to the compensation plan to offset a higher level of discouragement found in a competitive selling environment and also can be used to express gratitude, admiration, and to inspire to greater sales and greater sales initiative (FB Publications, 2005). Our new compensation plan will adopt a combination of base salary plus commission and bonus based on the overall performance. Perhaps the most important objective of any pay system is fairness or equity (Cascio, 2005, p. 419). To ensure the correctness of our plan, a committee has been created  to evaluate each employee performance, keep our compensation plan current and provide support and training at any time needed. We are also taking in consideration that our payment plan should include a three-tier approach of immediate recognition for a job well done, short-term rewards for performance over a month or quarter, and long-term rewards for being a loyal employee over the years (Schoeffler, 2005). -Salary: a monthly salary will be based on the job description of each position and it has the possibility of be complimented and enhanced depending of the employee performance. -Commission: a percentage of the profit will be used to increase the monthly employee compensation. -Bonus: bonuses will be given based on the performance of the sales individual each three months. Percentages will be given according to the goals met, or exceeded, so sales reps will rely on their individual performance. -Team incentives: Team incentives provide an opportunity for each team member to receive a bonus based on the output of the team as a whole (Cascio, 2005, p. 443). Sales personnel will have participation on this incentive to promote a teamwork environment. These events will happen at the end of the year. -On spot bonus: This is going to be granted for exceptional behavior regarding to teamwork efforts, customer satisfaction or any attitude that can be used as an example to the other workers. We may reward the worker with a one-time bonus of $50, $100, or $500 shortly after the noteworthy actions (Cascio, 2005, p. 441). -Incentives When it comes to performance incentives, the possibilities are endless (Cascio, 2005, p. 436), and we plan to use nonfinancial reward system that will include anything an employee values and desires that an  employer is able and willing to offer in exchange for employee contributions (Cascio, 2005, p. 418). Based on the answers compiled from the questionnaire we created, we will develop some entertaining activities such as trips, restaurants, theaters and any other approved selection available in our committee that will be available each three months and also at the end of the year. In our committee we will also make available the following benefits that our employees can choose to participate on:-Employee stock ownership plans As the company grows we will offer participation in the stocks of our company and a limited amount of them available to each employee for purchase. It helps to fulfill a philosophical belief in employee ownership 447. ESOPs do promote an increase in employee willingness to participate in company decisions. Companies that take advantage of that willingness can harness employees energy and creativity (Cascio, 2005, p. 447). -Recognition is a non financial reward and helps to enhance a workers sense of self-respect and esteem by others (Cascio, 2005, p. 418). These recognitions will be done in the yearly meetings where all employees are going to be together and have the opportunity to see their colleagues performance is rewarded. Recognition amongst their peers is still the quintessential motivator, whether theres an incentive program or not (Shearstone)Recent data indicates that people are more attached and committed to organizations that offer family-friendly policies, regardless of the extent to which they benefit personally from the policies (Cascio, 2005, p. 489), therefore our plan also cover other benefits that will be extend to all employees regardless merit or performance. Once you have great employees on board, how do you keep them from jumping ship? One way is by offering a good benefits package. (Entrepreneur Media, Inc, n.d.)†¢Tuition aid†¢Auto insurance†¢Fitness and wellness programs†¢Counseling Service†¢Child adoption†¢Child care Social activities†¢Elder care Referral awards†¢Charter flights Family leaves†¢Flexible work arrangementsWe also developed some benefits options that will  integrate salary and benefits into a package that will encourage the achievement of an organizations goals (Cascio, 2005, p. 470). They will be available to all employees and they can choose among them all. †¢Life insurance†¢Disability insurance†¢Healthy insurance†¢Other medical coverage†¢Sick leave†¢Pension plans†¢Unemployment insurance†¢401KEvidence indicates that the perceived value of benefits rises when employers introduce choice through a flexible benefits package (Cascio, 2005, p. 466). For that reason we expect that this pay system will bring excitement to our workforce since the opportunities are vary. This pay system should also increase motivation of our employees and deepens commitment with our customer to bring success to both the individual and the company. Following are pointed some reason that we expect to succeed with this new plan. -The final compensation at the end of the month has the opportunity to be largely increased according to the employee performance, but yet, the base salary is high enough to give the employees some breathing in order to meet the essential financial obligations. -Commissions, bonuses and team incentives. -Variety of employee services and benefits. -Friendly and family environmentBefore our pay system is implemented training will be given to all employees to ensure understanding of it. A website will be available to answer most common questions and our committee will also be available for further explanation and training as needed. References Cascio, W. F. (2005). Managing Human Resources (7th ed.). : The McGraw−Hill Companies. Entrepreneur Media, Inc (n.d.). The Basics of Employee Benefits. Retrieved April 20, 2009, from Publications (2005). Sale Incentive Ideas Motivating Your Sales Team. Retrieved April 17, 2009, from, M. L. (2009). 9 Key Aspects For Successful Pay For Performance Systems. Retrieved from, B. (2005). Employee Incentive Plans: Make Them Worthwhile. Insurance Journal. Retrieved from, P. (). Creating Sales Incentive Programs That Work., 2. Retrieved from, S. (). 6 Sure Ways to Increase Sales. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Industrial Revolution Essay -- History Historical Work Essays

The Industrial Revolution Introduction to the Revolution The Industrial revolution was a time of drastic change marked by the general introduction of power-driven machinery. This change generally helped life, but it had its disadvantages as well. Pollution, such as Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose, working conditions declined, and the number of women and children working increased. The government, the arts, literature, music, architecture and man's way of looking at life all changed during this period. Two revolutions took place. The first Industrial Revolution was based upon the cotton industry. Most of the inventions made during that period were mainly for manufacturing and producing cotton. John Kay, an English weaver invented the flying shuttle, a product that could cut cotton twice as fast. When other inventors saw what Kay had made, they wanted to do the same. One problem still remained. Yarn was not being fed fast enough through the weaver, but in 1769, two new inventions solved the problem. The spinning jenny and the water-powered frame, both of which fed yarn through the flying shuttle faster. Cleaning the cotton was a boring and time consuming job, so in 1793, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. The gin cleaned cotton up to 50 times faster than a human could. The Steam Engine The first steam engine was patented in 1769. Invented by James Watt, this steam engine was a combination of previous made engines. The first important development by Watt was a separate cylinder for the steam to exit. Another special design in Watt’s steam engine was that it used atmospheric pressure instead of steam pressure. The Assembly Line The Assembly Line, often attributed to Henry Ford, was a brilliant idea, which allowed items to be produced at a less expense, and at a faster rate. The principle behind the assembly line was that a worker would stand in one place, a belt would bring the pieces or goods to the worker and he or she would simply perform a task such as putting a bolt in or assembling a piece. Then, the item would go on its way by means of the belt to the next worker, who would perform the next task. The assembly line worked, and actually made things such as automobiles, previously too expensive for the average family, to now be affordable. England’s Economy Before the Revolution Before the first i... ...ife Changed During The Industrial Revolution Life drastically changed during the industrial revolution. People were living in germ infested, crowded and very unhealthy conditions, much like the places where they work. Women and children worked in harsh conditions for almost whole days and only received little pay. The British Parliament stepped in and limited child labor. This sparked a revolt. People, especially wealthy capitalists, wanted the government to stay out of its issues, called the laissez-faire system5. Many people opposed the laissez-faire system, saying the capitalists would gain too much power and people would be mistreated. The laissez-faire system was disregarded after a few years. Conclusion In Conclusion, all of the information above shows that the Industrial Revolution did change the jobs of today. During the Industrial Revolution, inventions such as the Cotton Gin and the Steam Engine were brought about. The Industrial revolution brought on more technology, wealth and power, but at what consequence? The people were living in filth, working unthinkable hours and being paid very little. The revolution shaped modern society to what it is today. The Industrial Revolution Essay -- History Historical Work Essays The Industrial Revolution Introduction to the Revolution The Industrial revolution was a time of drastic change marked by the general introduction of power-driven machinery. This change generally helped life, but it had its disadvantages as well. Pollution, such as Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere rose, working conditions declined, and the number of women and children working increased. The government, the arts, literature, music, architecture and man's way of looking at life all changed during this period. Two revolutions took place. The first Industrial Revolution was based upon the cotton industry. Most of the inventions made during that period were mainly for manufacturing and producing cotton. John Kay, an English weaver invented the flying shuttle, a product that could cut cotton twice as fast. When other inventors saw what Kay had made, they wanted to do the same. One problem still remained. Yarn was not being fed fast enough through the weaver, but in 1769, two new inventions solved the problem. The spinning jenny and the water-powered frame, both of which fed yarn through the flying shuttle faster. Cleaning the cotton was a boring and time consuming job, so in 1793, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. The gin cleaned cotton up to 50 times faster than a human could. The Steam Engine The first steam engine was patented in 1769. Invented by James Watt, this steam engine was a combination of previous made engines. The first important development by Watt was a separate cylinder for the steam to exit. Another special design in Watt’s steam engine was that it used atmospheric pressure instead of steam pressure. The Assembly Line The Assembly Line, often attributed to Henry Ford, was a brilliant idea, which allowed items to be produced at a less expense, and at a faster rate. The principle behind the assembly line was that a worker would stand in one place, a belt would bring the pieces or goods to the worker and he or she would simply perform a task such as putting a bolt in or assembling a piece. Then, the item would go on its way by means of the belt to the next worker, who would perform the next task. The assembly line worked, and actually made things such as automobiles, previously too expensive for the average family, to now be affordable. England’s Economy Before the Revolution Before the first i... ...ife Changed During The Industrial Revolution Life drastically changed during the industrial revolution. People were living in germ infested, crowded and very unhealthy conditions, much like the places where they work. Women and children worked in harsh conditions for almost whole days and only received little pay. The British Parliament stepped in and limited child labor. This sparked a revolt. People, especially wealthy capitalists, wanted the government to stay out of its issues, called the laissez-faire system5. Many people opposed the laissez-faire system, saying the capitalists would gain too much power and people would be mistreated. The laissez-faire system was disregarded after a few years. Conclusion In Conclusion, all of the information above shows that the Industrial Revolution did change the jobs of today. During the Industrial Revolution, inventions such as the Cotton Gin and the Steam Engine were brought about. The Industrial revolution brought on more technology, wealth and power, but at what consequence? The people were living in filth, working unthinkable hours and being paid very little. The revolution shaped modern society to what it is today.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Political science as a social science Essay

Political Science is in part a social science, and in part a humanity. Both are important. In this topic, we will look at the basics of social science inquiry, and then proceed to show how this differs from, on the one hand, inquiry in the natural sciences and, on the other, inquiry in the humanities. Social Science Social science inquiry seeks to develop empirical theory. ?Empirical? refers to things that can be experienced through the five senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, or (in the case of political corruption) smelling. Theory? basically means explanation. An empirical theory of politics, then, is an attempt to explain why people behave the way they do politically. If a social scientist (or anyone else) observes people engaging in political behavior, he or she will need to focus on certain characteristics of the people being observed. The observer may wonder why some people differ from others in their political characteristics. Why, for example, are some people Liberals while others are Conservatives and still others are New Democrats. Characteristics that differ from one person to another are called one variables. Those that do not are called constants. Constants are generally less interesting than variables. There is not much point in trying to explain voting behavior in a country in which only one party appears on the ballot. Of course, we might then ask why some countries have only one party whereas others have multi-party systems, but now we are treating ? number of parties? as a variables. Everyday language is full of what are, in effect, hypotheses about political behavior. For example, talk about a ? gender gap? in voting hypothesizes that vote (the dependent variable) is in part a function of gender (the independent variable), with women more likely to vote for the Liberals or New Democrats and men more likely to vote Conservative. Social science research differs from everyday discussion of politics in two ways. The first is where hypotheses come from. Anyone who follows politics will likely carry around in his or her head a lot of ideas about what explains political behavior. Such ideas may come from personal experience, from conversations with others, or from following politics through the mass media. This is true as well for the ways social scientists think about politics. In addition, however, social scientists develop hypotheses more systematically by studying the scholarly literature for the results of previous research. This is important for at least a couple of reasons. For one thing, it is usually the case that the more you learn what is already known about a subject, the more new questions you are likely to have. A review of the literature helps generate new hypotheses. Even more important, social science seeks not merely to describe raw facts, but to explain why people behave the way that they do. To accomplish this, we need to put our ideas into a broader theoretical context that offers such an explanation. It is a fact that in the United States, from 1936 through 2000, the incumbent party has always won the presidency whenever the Washington Redskins won their last home game before the election, and lost whenever the Redskins lost. However, since there is no reasonable explanation for why this should be the case, it is merely an interesting bit of trivia, and no serious observer of politics would rely on it in analyzing the next presidential contest. A second difference is that, for many people, ideas about patterns of political behavior remain merely assumptions. Social science insists that the validity of assumptions must be tested against data. Conceptual definition. We need to know, and be able to communicate to others, what our independent and dependent variables mean. What, in other words, is the idea in our mind when we use a term? Definitions found in dictionaries are examples of conceptual definitions. Sometimes, the idea that is in our mind when we use a term will be obvious, but often it will not. Many concepts used in political science are anything but clear. If we are to study political ideology, for example, we need to spell out with as much precision as possible what that concept means in the context of our research. Operational definition. For hypotheses to be tested, we will need to come up with measurements of our variables. An operational definition is one stated in a way that can be directly measured by data. We strive for a one-to-one correspondence between our conceptual definitions and our measurements (operational definitions) of them. If we succeed, then our measurements have validity and reliability. Data needed to provide operational definitions of our variables come from a wide variety of sources. We may gather the data ourselves. Analysis of data that we gather in order to test hypotheses that we have formulated is called primary analysis. Often, however, this approach would be totally beyond our resources of time, money, and expertise. A nationwide survey of public opinion, for example, would take months to design and carry out, would cost many thousands of dollars, and would require the services of a large survey research organization. Often, secondary analysis of data (that is, analysis of data originally gathered for other purposes) will suit our needs far better. Indeed, very important databases are used almost exclusively in secondary analysis. The Census Canada data is a good example. Other surveys such as the Canadian National Election Study and the General Social Survey were created, in part, for the express purpose of providing quality survey data for secondary analysis by students of Canadian politics. Indeed much of the work using the Canadian National is based on secondary analysis. To facilitate secondary analysis, the University of Toronto Data Library, and other university-based data archives have been established throughout the world. The largest of these is the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) established in 1962. Today, over 500 colleges and universities from all over the world, including the University of Toronto are member institutions. Students and faculty at these institutions obtain datasets that provide the basis for numerous scholarly books, articles, and conference papers, graduate theses and dissertations, and undergraduate term papers. The Social Sciences and the Natural Sciences What we have described as the social science method ? the effort to explain empirical phenomena by developing and testing hypotheses ? could as easily be called simply ? the scientific method,? without the ?  social? qualifier. There are, however, differences between social sciences, including political science, and the natural sciences. Though these are differences in degree, they are important. One difference is that the natural sciences rely much more heavily on experimental design, in which subjects are assigned randomly to groups and in which the researcher is able to manipulate the independent varia ble in order to measure its impact on the dependent variable. Often, when people think about the scientific method, what they have in mind are these sorts of controlled laboratory experiments. In political science, we for the most part are not able to carry out experimental designs. If, for example, we wish to study the impact of party affiliation on decisions by judges, we cannot very well assign judges to different parties, but rather have to take the data as they come to us from observing judges in their natural setting. Experimental design, however, does not define the natural sciences, nor does its absence define the social sciences. Astronomy, for example, must of necessity rely on observation of things that cannot be manipulated. ?Epidemiological?  medical research also relies on non-experimental data. Conversely, the social science discipline of social psychology has been built in large part from experiments in small group laboratories. In political science, a great deal of laboratory research on the impact of campaign commercials has been carried out in recent years. Field experiments are also common, as when survey researchers will test the impact of alternativ e question wordings by splitting their sample and administering different questionnaire forms to different subsets of respondents. Nevertheless, it is fair to say that experimental designs are much less common in the social sciences, including political science, than in the natural sciences. Most of our research design is, in effect, an effort to approximate the logic of experimental design as closely as possible. Other differences, also differences in degree, have to do with lower levels of consensus in the social sciences. There is less consensus about conceptual definition. Even if we agree that power is a key concept for the study of politics, we may not agree on what power means. Chemists, on the other hand, not only agree that molecules are important, they also mean pretty much the same thing when they use the term. There is less consensus about operational definition. Chemists also agree on how to measure the atomic weight of a molecule. Social scientists are far from unanimous in the ways they go about measuring power. It bears repeating that these differences are ones of degree. In the natural sciences there are also disputes at the frontiers of the various disciplines about what concepts are important, what they mean, and how they should be measured. In the social sciences, consensus is likely to break down from the start. Even if we can agree that a particular concept is important, on what it means, and on how it should be measured, we will encounter far larger problems of measurement error than those in the natural sciences, where measurement is not without error, but is typically much more precise. Finally, remember that we are involved in trying to explain human behavior. People do not seem to behave as predictably as molecules. Philosophers are not in agreement on this point, but it may be that human behavior is inherently less predictabl The fact that we deal with tendencies rather than with laws means that, for the most part (and despite impressive work by ? rational choice? theorists to develop formal mathematical models of political behavior), political science makes relatively little use of elegant systems of deduction, but considerable use of statistics, which provides us with valuable tools for dealing with probabilities. Despite its unavoidable limitations, political science as a social science has produced an explosion in our knowledge about politics. This has had important practical consequences. For example, no serious aspirant for a major elected office in an economically developed democracy would consider embarking on a campaign without consulting experts in survey research, a signature social science technique. In addition to being, in part, a social science, political science is also in part a humanity. Political science as a humanity means at least a couple of different things.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Sling Blade

Growing up as a child for Karl was hard. His parents were abusive, being so young and naive he did not know any better. Karl parents also made him do horrific things, such as giving him his baby brother and telling him to get rid of it. After Karl spending several years in a hospital institution because he killed his mother and her boyfriend. Karl is let loose. Despite all of the events that happen in his childhood and life, he turned out to be a humble, kind and gentle person. Karl will now begin his new life in the world. While out in the new world Karl meets a little boy name Frank. Karl helps him with his laundry bags carrying them for him home. Karl is placed in a world where he is confused and has no sense of direction where to go. He has no family besides his dad, but does not seem to want to visit him. Karl owns nothing but three books, the clothing on his back and has nowhere to stay. Gerry Karl’s doctor finds Karl a job fixing mechanic equipment, which allowed him to live there also. Karl goes back to visit Frank and meet his mom Linda and her boyfriend Doyle. Later on Karl moves in with them. Doyle Hargrave is a disrespectable person, who lacks the ability to be a father figure to Frank. He puts his friends down, curses and fights with Linda all the time. He has no remorse for nothing he does. Karl tries to keep Frank in line when he often says â€Å"I wish Doyle was dead† or curses and encourages him. Karl becomes Frank’s role model. Learning about Frank’s hatred towards Doyle, Karl is willing to sacrifice his freedom to save Frank. Doyle permanently moves in with Linda and will now pay the bills. In other words he is in charge and so he asks Karl to leave. Karl has been a role model for Frank and considers Frank special to him. Karl is also brave enough to stand up to Doyle when he attempts to lay his hands on Frank. Now that Karl is leaving Frank will forever be unhappy. It seems as if Doyle will never change his ways and Frank might end up getting hurt. Karl fixes the laundry machine so that Frank’s burden is lightened instead of him struggling with laundry bag

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What to Do About College Drinking

What to Do About College Drinking College is typically viewed as the pathway to gaining the skills and knowledge needed to embark on a successful career. However, it can also be a pathway to the casual acceptance of dangerous levels of alcohol consumption. Drinking is as much of the college experience as studying, sleep deprivation, and junk food. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, roughly 58% of college students admit to drinking alcohol, while 12.5% engage in heavy alcohol use, and 37.9% report binge drinking episodes. Terminology An alcoholic drink typically has 14 grams of pure alcohol, as defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Examples include 12 ounces of beer containing 5% alcohol, 5 ounces of beer containing 12% alcohol, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits containing 40% alcohol. Binge drinking is typically defined as men students consuming five drinks in the course of 2 hours, or women students consuming four drinks in the same time frame. The Problem While college drinking is often viewed as a fun and harmless activity, alcohol consumption among college students is associated with a variety of issues. According to the NIH: Over 1,800 college students die each year from alcohol-related incidents, such as vehicles crashes.Almost 700,000 college students are assaulted each year by someone who has been drinking.Roughly 79,000 college students report being raped or sexually assaulted (when either one or both parties have been drinking). At least 20% of college students develop an Alcohol Use Disorder, which means that alcohol consumption is impulsive and uncontrollable. These students actually crave alcohol, need to increase consumption levels to obtain the desired results, experience withdrawal symptoms, and prefer drinking to spending time with friends or engaged in other activities A full quarter (25%) of students admit that alcoholic consumption causes problems in the classroom, including such behaviors as skipping classes, failing to complete homework assignments, and performing poorly on tests. Too much alcohol can also result in fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver, pancreatitis, a weakened immune system, and various types of cancers. Prevention Strategies While the natural response is to simply discourage college students from drinking, Peter Canavan, a public safety officer at Wilkes University, and the author of The Ultimate Guide to College Safety: How To Protect Yourself From Online and Offline Threats to Your Personal Safety At College Around Campus, tells ThoughtCo that providing fact-based information on the dangers of drinking to excess is a better approach. â€Å"Education should be the first step to a successful strategy designed to eliminate or limit drinking,† Canavan says. â€Å"Responsible drinking and knowing when you have had too much to drink are important factors to staying safe.† Besides the laundry list of negative effects listed above in this article, Canavan says it’s possible for students to become victims of alcohol poisoning the very first time they drink. Aside from heart-rate and breathing changes, quickly consuming a large amount of alcohol could lead to a comatose state or even death. â€Å"Any time an individual consumes alcohol for the first time, the effects are unknown, but alcohol does cause memory and learning issues, forgetfulness, and bad judgment.† In addition, Canavan says alcohol dulls the senses, which can be catastrophic in an emergency situation.   Canavan provides the following tips to help students stay safe: Regulate your alcohol consumption to reduce the chances of experiencing dangerous outcomes; know your limit.Never leave your drink unattended; it may be compromised with a date rape drug while it is out of your sight.College is a huge investment in your future; dont jeopardize it by making poor decisions as a result of drinking. A drunk driving accident can harm or kill you or your passengers, so dont drink and drive. If you are convicted of a DUI, you may lose your license and be unable to get to college or work. Long-term, a DUI on your driving record could prevent you from getting a good job after graduation since many employers look at that when reviewing job applications. Colleges and communities can also play a role in preventing underage and excessive alcohol consumption by educating students. Additional strategies include reducing access to alcohol through such ways as checking a student’s identification, ensuring that inebriated students aren’t served additional drinks, and limiting the number of places that sell alcoholic drinks.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Baghdad as the capital of the Abbasid islamic world (8th- 11th Research Paper

Baghdad as the capital of the Abbasid islamic world (8th- 11th centries) - Research Paper Example Since the capital made trading possible due to numerous entry points to and from different parts of the Asian, European and African continents, the city flourished and prospered, thus, making it possible for the caliphate to establish centers of learning such as schools and libraries (Majeed 1486). This made the Abbasid Empire able to create numerous advancements such as in agriculture, architecture, literature and other knowledge pursuits, which they are able to disseminate to all the parts of the empire, and even the world via the European scientific revolution. Many of the breakthroughs that the Muslim scholars were able to make were highly significant because of the information being applicable to many aspects of science, literature and economics. The open-mindedness of the Muslim scholars during the Abbasid Empire made it possible for them to not only accept new information from other cultures such as Greeks and Romans, but also to create some improvements in them as well (Mazia k 1416). Also, the impact of the knowledge revolution instigated by the Abbasid caliphate is highly significant because if the Muslim Empire was not able to expand its territories, possible transfer of information from the Middle East to the European continent via Islamic Spain may not have been possible, and the scientific revolution around the 17th century would not have taken place. The Importance of Establishing Baghdad as the Capital While most of the buildings built during the Abbasid empire were destroyed during the invasion of the Mongols, many narratives remained that were able to establish how it was to live in Baghdad during its height of glory (Micheau 224). The splendor of the city as written down by many earlier historians was made well known not just for trade but also for learning and knowledge. The early caliphs proved that it was possible to make Baghdad a famous city once they were able to properly begin its construction. After the rise of the Abbasid dynasty arou nd 750 A.C.E., Muslim power shifted from Syria to Iraq, and the caliphs moved the capital from Damascus to Baghdad. Al-Mansur, one of the earliest caliphs established Baghdad as the empire’s capital, and had it surrounded by a circular wall (Robinson 255). This made the Sasanian tradition alive and well, and was properly scattered in most of the nearby parts of the empire. It was also important that it was along the established trade routes, making the place generate additional revenue for buildings (Syed 2). Another is that Baghdad is near to large rivers such as the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers, which are essential in sustaining growth and development of the place (Micheau 222). Because of the proximity to major trade routes and large rivers, the establishment of human settlement in Baghdad was possible, and more people came in for work. To accommodate them, it was decided that the walled city must be finished as soon as possible, and in order to do so, numerous engineer s, architects and skilled craftsmen were hired from different regions. This did not just transform the city but also started its assimilation of knowledge from different cultures, since most of the workers were hired from vast places (Denoix 131). The urbanization was very successful that it was possible to establish many places where further pursuits of knowledge can be done, not just

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Innovation and Process Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Innovation and Process - Research Paper Example It is also important that the organization understands the preferences and needs of its clients. This will help the organization produce a better strategy since they are aware of what their clients expect from them. Another crucial phase of innovation involves the establishment of relationships between an organization and its clients. Customers who have pleasant experiences at a store, for example, have high chances of coming back, as well as telling others about it. Customer retention is less costly than attracting new ones, which will impact on the organization. Yet another crucial phase involves the organization engaging in service recovery and continuous improvement. In the event of errors, the company has to be armed with a recovery plan that ensures the effect on the customer is minimal. Finally, the organization must seek out customer feedback regarding their products and ways to improve on them (Richards 2012). Kmart, as an organization, has struggled to remain competitive; nonetheless, it is in dire need of innovation and change. In this case, Kmart would benefit from applying the basic phases of innovation as a process. They could begin by strengthening relationships with their custom ers, which should give them information on what their customers’ preferences. This information can be collated by means of surveys, for example, during customer appreciation days. This, in turn, will be an advantage when segmenting their customer base and in enabling them to strategize on advertising and marketing. Finally, innovation should aid Kmart in a re-branding strategy that will give them a fresh start. To achieve their goals, Kmart will obviously have to employ innovative tools and techniques. One of these techniques is collaboration, whereby an individual comes up with an idea, which can then be created on by the team. To do this, Kmart requires brainstorming sessions for the team ideas. Refined ideas

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Social Systems Change as Possible Solution to Information Overload in Essay

Social Systems Change as Possible Solution to Information Overload in Organizations - Essay Example On a daily basis, the generated information can take an average person weeks or even months to ingest through reading, listening, or viewing (Becker, 2008). Information overload is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges that the modern society has to grapple with especially with the rapid advancement of technology. The information overload does affect people not only at the individual level, but the impact has also penetrated into the corporate world where it is the current major enemy to the efficient production within many organizations. A lot of organizations claim that due to information overload, they have experienced decreased productivity and the general reduction in efficiency of many employees. Indeed, technology is the main cause of information overload as in the ancient days when technology was still low, the rate of information overload was relatively low as compared to modern times. This is because technology advancements generate more information to people, which ma y affect them negatively if not well managed (Becker, 2008). With many organizations suffering from the impact of information overload on their highly esteemed employees, a number of them have taken measures in order to deal with the menace in a rational and logical manner. It is only through organizations implementing radical changes in their social systems that they will be able to find both short-term and long-term solutions to the negative impacts of information overload. ... Therefore, organizations ought to implement changes in their social systems if they are to mitigate the effects of information overload (Strother, Ulijn, & Fazal, 2012). The Merits of Social Systems Change in Solving Information Overload Although the benefits that come with technological advancements are good to any organization or nation, the information overload that comes with technology is detrimental to both the personal and organizational growth. The negative impacts of information overload include reduced overall performance, fatigue, incompetence, laziness, forgetfulness, and the inability to make sound decisions especially during critical situations. This problem has gradually developed over time and is now the epidemic that troubles many corporates. Recognizing the fact that human beings are not the objects of information overload by rather the subjects, organizations should make overhauls that affect the operations of their employees. This is so, because no one can reverse technological advancements, but one can mold a human character to fit in given situations and circumstance in order to negate the effects of information overload (Strother, Ulijn, & Fazal, 2012). One of the major reasons why organizations should go for the social systems change in curbing information overload is that the impact of information overload is more or less social in nature. Some of the adverse effects of information overload include poor performance at work, increased health risks of the individuals, and breakdown or reduced vigor in social relationships. As seen, these effect rest directly upon the subjects of information overload as the object that include technology does not have a direct part to play, but it

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ibsen and his discontents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ibsen and his discontents - Essay Example bsen, would yet appreciate that marriage, with all its flaws, is still better than its alternative (celibacy) and that human existence (more so in the confines of marriage) can never be perfect. Ibsen, on the other hand, simply asserts that marriage is the root cause of all evil and sadness in the world (Dalrymple, 2005). A gifted yet controversial writer, many people (mostly women) regard Ibsen as the writer who was not afraid to write about the ‘facts’ that others feared to write about. Ibsen looks at marriage and proposes new ways of approaching it that, according to him, will liberate mankind from the relentless strife and turmoil present in marriages. Ibsen first reckons that most people marry for money and that there is no true love in marriages hence. He says that women go for the security and pride in marrying rich made men while men opt for women who are cheap to manage financially. Secondly, Ibsen underlines that societal pressures put a lot of pressure, and thus melancholy, in couples who have to put up appearances in the public which are contrary to their genuine feelings and selves. He adds that notions of respectability and the fear of shame (such as of a struggling/ broken marriage) enslaves married couples and renders their lives meaningless, miserable, degraded and viole nt (Dalrymple, 2005). Ibsen also insinuates that marriages pair people who would not choose each other if circumstances of life had been better/ different. In the wake of these marital and life ‘issues,’ Ibsen offers a solution - philosophical autonomy (Dalrymple, 2005). This is basically the call for each person to live according to their own standards/ principles, put self first (ahead of the partner and children) and pursue their own desires. Theodore disagrees with this remedy and records that he has seen countless such minded parents who abandon their children and so subject them to lives of despair, damage, disease, moral degradation and death. According to Theodore,

Sunday, October 27, 2019

User Interfaces Ic Compiler Computer Science Essay

User Interfaces Ic Compiler Computer Science Essay IC Compiler is the software package from Synopsys for Physical Design of ASIC. It provides necessary tools to complete the back end design of the very deep submicron designs. The inputs to the IC Compiler are: a gate-level netlist which can be from DC Compiler or third-party tools, a detailed floorplan which can be from previous Design Planning through IC Compiler or other third-party tools, timing constraints and other constraints, physical and timing libraries provided by manufacturer, and foundry-process data. IC Compiler generates a GDSII-format file as output ready for tape out of the chip. In addition, it is possible to export a Design Exchange Format (DEF) file of placed netlist data ready for a third-party router. IC Compiler uses a binary Synopsys Milkyway database, which can be used by other Synopsys tools based on Milkyway. [16] 4.2 User Interfaces IC Compiler can be used either with Shell interface (icc_shell) or with Graphical user interface (GUI). Shell interface is the command-line interface, which is used for batch mode, scripts, typing commands, and push-button type of operations. Graphical user interface (GUI) is an advanced graphical analysis and physical editing tool. Certain tasks, such as very accurately displaying the design and providing visual analysis tools, can only performed from the GUI. Also tool command language (Tcl), which is used in many applications in the EDA industry, is available to IC Compiler. Using Tcl, you can write reusable procedures and scripts. The IC Compiler design flow is an easy-to-use, single-pass flow that provides convergent timing closure. Figure 4.1 shows the basic IC Compiler design flow, which is centered around three core commands that perform placement and optimization (place_opt), clock tree synthesis and optimization (clock_opt), and routing and postroute optimization (route_opt). [16] icc1 Figure 4.1 IC Compiler Design Flow [21] For most designs, if the place_opt, clock_opt, and route_opt steps are followed, IC Compiler will provide optimal results. You can use IC Compiler to efficiently perform chip-level design planning, placement, clock tree synthesis and routing on designs with moderate timing and congestion challenges. To further improve the quality of results for your design you can use additional commands and switches for placement, clock tree synthesis, and routing steps that IC Compiler provides. IC Compiler design flow involves execution of following steps: 1. Set up and prepare the libraries and the design data. 2. Perform design planning and power planning. -Design planning is to perform necessary steps to create a floorplan, determine the size of the design, create the boundary and core area, create site rows for the placement of standard cells, set up the I/O pads. -Power planning, is to perform necessary steps to create a power plan to meet the power budget and the target leakage current. 3. Perform placement and optimization. IC Compiler placement and optimization uses enhanced placement and synthesis technologies to generate a legalized placement for leaf cells and an optimized design, which addresses and resolves timing closure issues for the provided design. You can supplement this functionality by optimizing for power, recovering area for placement, minimizing congestion, and minimizing timing and design rule violations. To perform placement and optimization, use the place_opt core command (or from GUI choose Placement menu and then Core Placement and Optimization sub-menu). 4. Perform clock tree synthesis and optimization. To perform the clock tree synthesis and optimization phase, use the command clock_opt (or choose Clock > Core Clock Tree Synthesis and Optimization in the GUI). IC Compiler clock tree synthesis and embedded optimization solve complicated clock tree synthesis problems, such as blockage avoidance and the correlation between preroute and postroute data. Clock tree optimization improves both clock skew and clock insertion delay by performing buffer sizing, buffer relocation, gate sizing, gate relocation, level adjustment, reconfiguration, delay insertion, dummy load insertion, and balancing of interclock delays. 5. Perform routing and postroute optimization. To perform routing and postroute optimization, use the route_opt core command (or choose Route > Core Routing and Optimization in the GUI). As part of routing and postroute optimization, IC Compiler performs global routing, detail routing, track assignment, topological optimization, and engineering change order (ECO) routing. For most designs, the default routing and postroute optimization setup produces optimal results. If necessary, you can supplement this functionality by optimizing routing patterns and reducing crosstalk or by customizing the routing and postroute optimization functions for special needs. 6. Perform chip finishing and design for manufacturing tasks. IC Compiler provides chip finishing and design for manufacturing and yield capabilities that you can apply throughout the various stages of the design flow to address process design issues encountered during chip manufacturing. 7. Save the design. Save your design in the Milkyway format. This format is the internal database format used by IC Compiler to store all the logical and physical information about a design. [16] 4.3 How to Invoke the IC Compiler 1. Log in to the UNIX environment with the user id and password . 2. Start IC Compiler from the UNIX promt: UNIX$ icc_shell The xterm unix prompt turns into the IC Compiler shell command prompt. 3. Start the GUI. icc_shell> start_gui This window can display schematics and logical browsers, among other things, once a design is loaded. 4.4 Preparing the Design IC Compiler uses a Milkyway design library to store design and its associated library information. This section describes how to set up the libraries, create a Milkyway design library, read your design, and save the design in Milkyway format. These steps are explained in the following sections: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Setting Up the Libraries à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Setting Up the Power and Ground Nets à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reading the Design à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Annotating the Physical Data à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Preparing for Timing Analysis and RC Calculation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Saving the Design 4.4.1 Setting Up the Libraries IC Compiler requires both logic libraries and physical libraries. The following sections describe how to set up and validate these libraries. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Setting Up the Logic Libraries: IC Compiler uses logic libraries to provide timing and functionality information for all standard cells. In addition, logic libraries can provide timing information for hard macros, such as RAMs. IC Compiler uses variables to define the logic library settings. In each session, you must define the values for the following variables (either interactively, in the .synopsys_dc.setup file, or by restoring the values saved in the Milkyway design library) so that IC Compiler can access the libraries: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ search_path Lists the paths where IC Compiler can locate the logic libraries. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ target_library Lists the logic libraries that IC Compiler can use to perform physical optimization. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ link_library Lists the logic libraries that IC Compiler can search to resolve references. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Setting Up the Physical Libraries: IC Compiler uses Milkyway reference libraries and technology (.tf) files to provide physical library information. The Milkyway reference libraries contain physical information about the standard cells and macro cells in your technology library. In addition, these reference libraries define the placement unit tile. The technology files provide information such as the names and characteristics (physical and electrical) for each metal layer, which are technology-specific. The physical library information is stored in the Milkyway design library. For each cell, the Milkyway design library contains several views of the cell, which are used for different physical design tasks. If you have not already created a Milkyway library for your design (by using another tool that uses Milkyway), you need to create one by using the IC Compiler tool. If you already have a Milkyway design library, you must open it before working on your design. This section describes how to perform the following tasks: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Create a Milkyway design library To create a Milkyway design library, use the create_mw_lib command (or choose File > Create Library in the GUI). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Open a Milkyway design library To open an existing Milkyway design library, use the open_mw_lib command (or choose File > Open Library in the GUI). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Report on a Milkyway design library To report on the reference libraries attached to the design library, use the -mw_reference_library option. icc_shell>report_mw_lib-mw_reference_library design_library_name To report on the units used in the design library, use the report_units command. icc_shell> report_units à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Change the physical library information To change the technology file, use the set_mw_technology_file command (or choose File > Set Technology File in the GUI) to specify the new technology file name and the name of the design library. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Save the physical library information To save the technology or reference control information in a file for later use, use the write_mw_lib_files command (or choose File > Export > Write Library File in the GUI). In a single invocation of the command, you can output only one type of file. To output both a technology file and a reference control file, you must run the command twice. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Verifying Library Consistency: Consistency between the logic library and the physical library is critical to achieving good results. Before you process your design, ensure that your libraries are consistent by running the check_library command. [16] icc_shell> check_library 4.4.2 Setting Up the Power and Ground Nets IC Compiler uses variables to define names for the power and ground nets. In each session, you must define the values for the following variables (either interactively or in the .synopsys_dc.setup file) so that IC Compiler can identify the power and ground nets: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ mw_logic0_net By default, IC Compiler VSS as the ground net name. If you are using a different name, you must specify the name by setting the mw_logic0_net variable. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ mw_logic1_net By default, IC Compiler uses VDD as the power net name. If you are using a different name, you must specify the name by setting the mw_logic1_net variable. 4.4.3 Reading the Design IC Compiler can read designs in either Milkyway or ASCII (Verilog, DEF, and SDC files) format. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reading a Design in Milkyway Format à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reading a Design in ASCII Format 4.4.4 Annotating the Physical Data IC Compiler provides several methods of annotating physical data on the design: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reading the physical data from a DEF file To read a DEF file, use the read_def command (or choose File > Import > Read DEF in the GUI). icc_shell> read_def -allow_physical design_name.def à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reading the physical data from a floorplan file A floorplan file is a file that you previously created by using the write_floorplan command (or by choosing Floorplan > Write Floorplan in the GUI). icc_shell> read_floorplan floorplan_file_name à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Copying the physical data from another design To copy physical data from the layout (CEL) view of one design in the current Milkyway design library to another, use the copy_floorplan command (or choose Floorplan > Copy Floorplan in the GUI). [16] icc_shell> copy_floorplan -from design1 4.4.5 Preparing for Timing Analysis and RC Calculation IC Compiler provides RC calculation technology and timing analysis capabilities for both preroute and postroute data. Before you perform RC calculation and timing analysis, you must complete the following tasks: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Set up the TLUPlus files You specify these files by using the set_tlu_plus_files command (or by choosing File > Set TLU+ in the GUI). icc_shell> set_tlu_plus_files -tech2itf_map ./path/ -max_tluplus ./path/worst_settings.tlup -min_tluplus ./path/best_settings.tlup à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ (Optional) Back-annotate delay or parasitic data To back-annotate the design with delay information provided in a Standard Delay Format (SDF) file, use the read_sdf command (or choose File > Import > Read SDF in the GUI). To remove annotated data from design, use the remove_annotations command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Set the timing constraints At a minimum, the timing constraints must contain a clock definition for each clock signal, as well as input and output arrival times for each I/O port. This requirement ensures that all signal paths are constrained for timing. To read a timing constraints file, use the read_sdc command (or choose File > Import > Read SDC in the GUI). icc_shell> read_sdc -version 1.7 design_name.sdc à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Specify the analysis mode Conditions such as fabrication process, operating temperature, and power supply voltage can vary semiconductor device parameters. You can specify the operating conditions for analysis with the set_operating_conditions command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ (Optional) Set the derating factors If your timing library does not include minimum and maximum timing data, you can perform simultaneous minimum and maximum timing analysis by specifying derating factors for your timing library. Use the set_timing_derate command to specify the derating factors. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Select the delay calculation algorithm By default, IC Compiler uses Elmore delay calculation for both preroute and postroute delay calculations. For postroute delay calculations, you can choose to use Arnoldi delay calculation either for clock nets only or for all nets. Elmore delay calculation is faster, but its results do not always correlate with the PrimeTime and PrimeTime SI results. The Arnoldi calculation is best used for designs with smaller geometries and high resistive nets, but it requires more runtime and memory. [16] 4.4.6 Saving the Design To save the design in Milkyway format, use the save_mw_cel command (or choose File > Save Design in the GUI). [16] CHAPTER 5: Design Planning 5.1 Introduction Design planning in IC Compiler provides basic floorplanning and prototyping capabilities such as dirty-netlist handling, automatic die size exploration, performing various operations with black box modules and cells, fast placement of macros and standard cells, packing macros into arrays, creating and shaping plan groups, in-place optimization, prototype global routing analysis, hierarchical clock planning, performing pin assignment on soft macros and plan groups, performing timing budgeting, converting the hierarchy, and refining the pin assignment. Power network synthesis and power network analysis functions, applied during the feasibility phase of design planning, provide automatic synthesis of local power structures within voltage areas. Power network analysis validates the power synthesis results by performing voltage-drop and electromigration analysis. [16] Figure 5.1 IC Compiler Design Planning [21] 5.2 Tasks to be performed during Design Planning à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Initializing the Floorplan à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Automating Die Size Exploration à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Handling Black Boxes à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing an Initial Virtual Flat Placement à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Creating and Shaping Plan Groups à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Power Planning à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Prototype Global Routing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Hierarchical Clock Planning à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing In-Place Optimization à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Routing-Based Pin Assignment à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing RC Extraction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Timing Analysis à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Timing Budgeting à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Committing the Physical Hierarchy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Refining the Pin Assignment 5.3 Initializing the Floorplan The steps in initializing the floorplan are described below. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reading the I/O Constraints: To load the top-level I/O pad and pin constraints, use the read_io_constraints command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Defining the Core and Placing the I/O Pads: To define the core and place the I/O pads and pins, use the initialize_floorplan command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Creating Rectilinear-Shaped Blocks: Use the initialize_rectilinear_block command to create a floorplan for rectilinear blocks from a fixed set of L, T, U, or cross-shaped templates. These templates are used to determine the cell boundary and shape of the core. To do this, use initialize_rectilinear_block -shape L|T|U|X. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Writing I/O Constraint Information: To write top-level I/O pad or pin constraints, use the write_io_constraints command. Read the Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) file (read_sdc command) to ensure that all signal paths are constrained for timing. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Adding Cell Rows: To add cell rows, use the add_row command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Removing Cell Rows: To remove cell rows, use the cut_row command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Saving the Floorplan Information: To save the floorplan information, use the write_floorplan command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Writing Floorplan Physical Constraints for Design Compiler Topographical Technology: IC Compiler can now write out the floorplan physical constraints for Design Compiler Topographical Technology (DC-T) in Tcl format. The reason for using floorplan physical constraints in the Design Compiler topographical technology mode is to accurately represent the placement area and to improve timing correlation with the post-place-and-route design. The command syntax is: write_physical_constraints -output output_file_name -port_side [16] Figure 5.2 Floor Plan After Initialization [21] 5.4 Automating Die Size Exploration This section describes how to use MinChip technology in IC Compiler to automate the processes exploring and identifying the valid die areas to determine smallest routable, die size for your design while maintaining the relative placement of hard macros, I/O cells, and a power structure that meets voltage drop requirements. The technology is integrated into the Design Planning tool through the estimate_fp_area command. The input is a physically flat Milkyway CEL view. 5.5 Handling Black Boxes Black boxes can be represented in the physical design as either soft or hard macros. A black box macro has a fixed height and width. A black box soft macro sized by area and utilization can be shaped to best fit the floorplan. To handle the black boxes run the following set of commands. set_fp_base_gate estimate_fp_black_boxes flatten_fp_black_boxes create_fp_placement place_fp_pins create_qtm_model qtm_bb set_qtm_technology -lib library_name create_qtm_port -type clock $port report_qtm_model write_qtm_model -format qtm_bb report_timing qtm_bb 5.6 Performing an Initial Virtual Flat Placement The initial virtual flat placement is very fast and is optimized for wire length, congestion, and timing. The way to perform an initial virtual flat placement is described below. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Evaluating Initial Hard Macro Placement: No straightforward criteria exist for evaluating the initial hard macro placement. Measuring the quality of results (QoR) of the hard macro placement can be very subjective and often depends on practical design experience. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Specifying Hard Macro Placement Constraints: Different methods can be use to control the preplacement of hard macros and improve the QoR of the hard macro placement. Creating a User-Defined Array of Hard Macros Setting Floorplan Placement Constraints On Macro Cells Placing a Macro Cell Relative to an Anchor Object Using a Virtual Flat Placement Strategy Enhancing the Behavior of Virtual Flat Placement With the macros_on_edge Switch Creating Macro Blockages for Hard Macros Padding the Hard Macros à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Padding the Hard Macros: To avoid placing standard cells too close to macros, which can cause congestion or DRC violations, one can set a user-defined padding distance or keepout margin around the macros. One can set this padding distance on a selected macros cell instance master.During virtual flat placement no other cells will be placed within the specified distance from the macros edges. [16] To set a padding distance (keepout margin) on a selected macros cell instance master, use the set_keepout_margin command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Placing Hard Macros and Standard Cells: To place the hard macros and standard cells simultaneously, use the create_fp_placement command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Floorplan Editing: IC Compiler performs the following floorplan editing operations. Creating objects Deleting objects Undoing and redoing edit changes Moving objects Changing the way objects snap to a grid Aligning movable objects 5.7 Creating and Shaping Plan Groups This section describes how to create plan groups for logic modules that need to be physically implemented. Plan groups restrict the placement of cells to a specific region of the core area. This section also describes how to automatically place and shape objects in a design core, add padding around plan group boundaries, and prevent signal leakage and maintain signal integrity by adding modular block shielding to plan groups and soft macros. The following steps are covered for Creating and Shaping Plan Groups. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Creating Plan Groups: To create a plan group, create_plan_groups command. To remove (delete) plan groups from the current design, use the remove_plan_groups command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Automatically Placing and Shaping Objects In a Design Core: Plan groups are automatically shaped, sized, and placed inside the core area based on the distribution of cells resulting from the initial virtual flat placement. Blocks (plan groups, voltage areas, and soft macros) marked fix remain fixed; the other blocks, whether or not they are inside the core, are subject to being moved or reshaped. To automatically place and shape objects in the design core, shape_fp_blocks command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Adding Padding to Plan Groups: To prevent congestion or DRC violations, one can add padding around plan group boundaries. Plan group padding sets placement blockages on the internal and external edges of the plan group boundary. Internal padding is equivalent to boundary spacing in the core area. External padding is equivalent to macro padding. To add padding to plan groups, create_fp_plan_group_padding command. To remove both external and internal padding for the plan groups, use the remove_fp_plan_group_padding command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Adding Block Shielding to Plan Groups or Soft Macros: When two signals are routed parallel to each other, signal leakage can occur between the signals, leading to an unreliable design. One can protect signal integrity by adding modular block shielding to plan groups and soft macros. The shielding consists of metal rectangles that are created around the outside of the soft macro boundary in the top level of the design, and around the inside boundary of the soft macro. To add block shielding for plan groups or soft macros, use the create_fp_block_shielding command. To remove the signal shielding created by modular block shielding, use the remove_fp_block_shielding command. [16] 5.8 Performing Power Planning After completed the design planning process and have a complete floorplan, one can perform power planning, as explained below. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Creating Logical Power and Ground Connections: To define power and ground connections, use the connect_pg_nets command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Adding Power and Ground Rings: It is necessary to add power and ground rings after doing floorplanning. To add power and ground rings, use the create_rectangular_rings command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Adding Power and Ground Straps: To add power and ground straps, use the create_power_straps command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Prerouting Standard Cells: To preroute standard cells, use the preroute_standard_cells command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Low-Power Planning for Multithreshold-CMOS Designs: One can perform floorplanning for low-power designs by employing power gating. Power gating has the potential to reduce overall power consumption substantially because it reduces leakage power as well as switching power. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Power Network Synthesis: As the design process moves toward creating 65-nm transistors, issues related to power and signal integrity, such as power grid generation, voltage (IR) drop, and electromigration, have become more significant and complex. In addition, this complex technology lengthens the turnaround time needed to identify and fix power and signal integrity problems. By performing power network synthesis one can preview an early power plan that reduces the chances of encountering electromigration and voltage drop problems later in the detailed power routing. To perform the PNS, one can run the set of following commands. [16] synthesize_fp_rail set_fp_rail_constraints set_fp_rail_constraints -set_ring set_fp_block_ring_constraints set_fp_power_pad_constraints set_fp_rail_region_constraints set_fp_rail_voltage_area_constraints set_fp_rail_strategy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Committing the Power Plan: Once the IR drop map meets the IR drop constraints, one can run the commit_fp_rail command to transform the IR drop map into a power plan. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Handling TLUPlus Models in Power Network Synthesis: Power network synthesis supports TLUPlus models. set_fp_rail_strategy -use_tluplus true à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Checking Power Network Synthesis Integrity: Initially, when power network synthesis first proposes a power mesh structure, it assumes that the power pins of the mesh are connected to the hard macros and standard cells in the design. It then displays a voltage drop map that one can view to determine if it meets the voltage (IR) drop constraints. After the power mesh is committed, one might discover problem areas in design as a result of automatic or manual cell placement. These areas are referred to as chimney areas and pin connect areas. To Check the PNS Integrity one can run the following set of commands. set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_commit_check_file set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_check_chimney_file set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_check_chimney_file pns_chimney_report set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_check_hor_chimney_layers set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_check_chimney_min_dist set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_check_pad_connection file_name set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_report_pad_connection_limit set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_report_min_pin_width set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_check_hard_macro_connection file_name set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_check_hard_macro_connection_limit set_fp_rail_strategy -pns_report_min_pin_width à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Analyzing the Power Network: One perform power network analysis to predict IR drop at different floorplan stages on both complete and incomplete power nets in the design. To perform power network analysis, use the analyze_fp_rail command. To add virtual pads, use the create_fp_virtual_pad command. To ignore the hard macro blockages, use the set_fp_power_plan_constraints command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Viewing the Analysis Results: When power and rail analysis are complete, one can check for the voltage drop and electromigration violations in the design by using the voltage drop map and the electromigration map. One can save the results of voltage drop and electromigration current density values to the database by saving the CEL view that has just been analyzed. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reporting Settings for Power Network Synthesis and Power Network Analysis Strategies: To get a report of the current values of the strategies used by power network synthesis and power network analysis by using the report_fp_rail_strategy command. [16] 5.9 Performing Prototype Global Routing One can perform prototype global routing to get an estimate of the routability and congestion of the design. Global routing is done to detect possible congestion hot spots that might exist in the floorplan due to the placement of the hard macros or inadequate channel spacing. To perform global routing, use the route_fp_proto command. 5.10 Performing Hierarchical Clock Planning This section describes how to reduce timing closure iterations by performing hierarchical clock planning on a top-level design during the early stages of the virtual flat flow, after plan groups are created and before the hierarchy is committed. One can perform clock planning on a specified clock net or on all clock nets in the design. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Setting Clock Planning Options: To set clock planning options, use the set_fp_clock_plan_options command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Clock Planning Operations: To perform clock planning operations, use the compile_fp_clock_plan command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Generating Clock Tree Reports: To generate clock tree reports, use the report_clock_tree command. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Using Multivoltage Designs in Clock Planning: Clock planning supports multivoltage designs. Designs in multivoltage domains operate at various voltages. Multivoltage domains are connected through level-shifter cells. A level-shifter cell is a special cell that can carry signals across different voltage areas. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Performing Plan Group-Aware Clock Tree Synthesis in Clock Planning: With this feature, clock tree synthesis can generate a clock tree that honors the plan groups while inserting buffers in the tree and prevent new clock buffers from being placed on top of a plan group unless they drive the entire subtree inside that particular plan group. This results in a minimum of clock feedthroughs, which makes the design easier to manage during partitioning and budgeting. [16] 5.11 Performing In-Place Optimization In-place optimization is an iterative process that is based on virtual routing. Three types of optimizations are performed: timing improvement, area recovery, and fixing DRC violations. These optimizations prese